Systematic Review & Evidence Synthesis Boot Camp

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Systematic Review  & Evidence Synthesis Bootcamp

UT Libraries is excited to host an in-person Systematic Review & Evidence Synthesis Boot Camp over three half-day sessions (May 7-9, from 9 am-12 pm) in Perry-Castañeda Library! Begin with your own research question and leave with a well-developed search strategy with the next steps for progressing in your evidence synthesis project. 

Sessions end at noon each day, but participants will have the option to stay until 1 pm to work on their projects and/or consult with their subject librarians.

What can you expect in our immersive boot camp?
Day 1: Overview of protocol development & search strategies 
Day 2: Refine search including terminology development and database selection
Day 3: Strategies and tools for assessing findings and de-duplication 
(Please note, we will not cover article coding, data extraction, and writing up the evidence synthesis project.)

Registration required. Ready to apply? Click here to submit your application!

Questions? Please email Meryl Brodsky,, or consult our FAQs for more information.

Location: Perry-Castañeda Library Scholars Lab, Data Lab (PCL 2.202)

Date and Time
May 7, 2025, 9 a.m. to noon Google Outlook iCal
May 8, 2025, 9 a.m. to noon Google Outlook iCal
May 9, 2025, 9 a.m. to noon Google Outlook iCal
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