Photo of the entrance to the PMA Library in the Physics, Math and Astronomy Building.
About the Physics Mathematics Astronomy Library
The John M. Kuehne Physics Mathematics Astronomy (PMA) Library serves the physics, mathematics, and astronomy information needs of the entire university community, as well as the research information needs of the Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy departments.
Physics Mathematics Astronomy Library Hours
Services and FAQ
Featured Resources

Textbook Collection
The library's collection includes older textbooks for linear algebra, pre-calculus and calculus, and differential equations. We have copies of the Problem Solvers Series for Mathematics and Physics and Schaum's Outline Series for Mathematics and Physics. Each textbook may be checked out for three days at a time.

Math Homework Help at Sanger Learning Center
The Sanger Learning Center offers free tutoring for UT students in many subjects, including Mathematics. Students who are having trouble with math homework are encouraged to attend a drop-in tutoring session, or to contact the Sanger Learning Center to schedule one-on-one tutoring.
Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy Library
Physics, Math and Astronomy Building
2515 Speedway
Texas 78713
Mailing Address:
Physics Math Astronomy Library
UT Libraries
2515 Speedway
Austin, Texas 78713