The Middle Eastern collection of the University of Texas at Austin comprises over 128,000 items in a wide range of disciplines, including history, anthropology, and linguistics. The collection prioritizes Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, but it also has holdings in Ottoman Turkish, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, and other languages of the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. The collection’s geographic focus prioritizes Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey. Materials are also collected from and about North Africa, Sudan, and Afghanistan. A substantial portion of our resources has been acquired through gifts and direct purchasing.
Our Middle Eastern Language Collection – for language instruction and research – is the largest in Texas and a leader in the Western region. The strongest languages in this collection are Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. Our Persian collection stands out as one of the strongest collections in the nation. Among our distinctive collections are the Pahlavi-era cinema periodicals, Iranian newspapers, and the Yemeni Manuscripts Digitization Initiative.
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