University Outstanding Staff and Supervisor Award
The University of Texas at Austin Outstanding Staff and Supervisor Awards Program honors and recognizes the invaluable contributions of eligible non-teaching employees whose outstanding dedication, competence, conscientious performance, excellent customer service, or ingenuity has had a significant impact on the university.
Award Recipients from the UT Libraries by Year
Jenifer Flaxbart, Research Support and Digital Initiatives, 2019, Outstanding Supervisor
Elise Nacca, Teaching and Learning Services, 2019
Megan Scarborough, LLILAS Benson Latin American Collection, 2019
Michele Ostrow, Teaching & Learning Services, 2016, Outstanding Supervisor
Beth Kerr, Fine Arts Library, 2015
Jennifer Heath, Library Human Resources, 2012
Adrian "AJ" Johnson, LLILAS Benson Latin American Collection, 2012
Kent Norsworthy, LLILAS Benson Latin American Collection, 2012
Meghan Sitar, Library Instruction Services, 2011
Peggy Mueller, Office of the Vice Provost and Reference and Information Services, 2010
Suyapa Steer, Benson Latin American Collection, 2009
Frank Meaker, Facilities and Support Services, 2009
David Flaxbart, Chemistry Library, 2007
Michele Ostrow, Library Instruction Services, 2006
Robert (Bob) C. Stewart, Local Systems, Digital Initiatives, 2005
Wendy Nesmith, Interlibrary Services, 2004
Glen Worley, Acquisitions & Serials Department, 2004
Marcia Parsons, Fine Arts Library, 2003
Laura Schwartz, Fine Arts Library, 2003
Nancy Sparrow, Architecture and Planning Library, 2002
Kathleen McDonagh, Circulation Services, 2001
Dennis Trombatore, Geology Library, 2001
Joe Lucas, Facilities & Support Services, 2000
Gary Lay, Undergraduate Library, 1999
Jim Wieferman, Map Collection, 1995
Loretta Acevedo, Automated Cataloging, 1991
Paul Miner, Cataloging Department, 1990
Patricia Hartunian, Automated Cataloging, 1989
Ann Nelson, Information Systems Planning, 1989
Martha Favors, Perry-Castañeda Library Reserves, 1988
Nancy Glass, Film Library, 1987
Rudy Hyde, Automated Bibliographic Services Department, 1987
Elizabeth Korves, Geology Library, 1987
Kathie McIver, Reference Services Department, 1987
Karen Lemunyon, Chemistry Library, 1986
Jim McCulloch, Geology Library, 1986
Nancy Roper, Circulation Services Department, 1986
Harry Sullivan, Cataloging Department, 1986
Betty Bare, HRHRC Cataloging Department, 1985
John Ramage, Circulation Services Department, 1985
Ira Carver, Periodicals and Microforms Unit, 1984
Bernice Dawson, Classics Library, 1984
Lila Stillson, Architecture and Planning Library, 1984
Alison Beck, Barker Texas History Center, 1983
Paul Miner, Circulation Services Department/Coding Project, 1983
Warren Wilson-Reiner, Circulation Services Department, 1982
Robert Foster, Library Administrative Offices, 1982
Charlotte Gunn, Cataloging Department, 1982
Angela Olivera, Barker Texas History Center, 1982
Ernestine Blacklock, Undergraduate Library, 1981
Margaret Flores, Public Affairs Library, 1981
Marty Phillips, Circulation Services Department, 1981
Dorothea Poe, Undergraduate Library, 1981
Jane Hazelton, Film Library, 1980
Marjorie Stockton, Book Repair Unit, 1980
Linda Shook, Library Administrative Offices, 1980